Lūdzu atjauniniet savu pārlūkprogrammu

Jūsu Tīmekļa pārlūks nespēj pilnvērtīgi attēlot šo lapu, jo šī lapa ir būvēta balstoties uz moderniem Tīmekļa standartiem. Lai apskatītu šo lapu, aicinām Jūs izvēlēties kādu no modernajiem Tīmekļa pārlūkiem, kas pieejami zemāk.

Bezmaksas pārlūkprogrammas - visas pārlūkprogrammas nodrošina vienādas pamatfunkcijas un ir viegli lietojamas. Izvēlieties, kuru pārlūkprogrammu vēlaties lejupielādēt:


  1. Acceptance of the order.
    1. The contractor shall execute the order if the customer has submitted the following documents to the contractor:
      1. Pre-agreed Order Form;
      2. pdf. files – the electronic layout aproved on XMF Remote system;
    2. All materials submitted by the customer must be prepared in accordance with paragraph 3 of these regulations;
    3. If the contractor finds that the material submitted by the customer is incorrect or inconsistent with the order application, the contractor shall inform the customer and the customer shall provide written instructions on the further progress of the order. In such cases, the contractor may discontinue the fulfillment of the order until he receives written instructions and is entitled to compensation for damages. The contractor shall not be liable for errors and quality of the order if the customer has made changes and remarks orally;
    4. If the customer makes changes and corrections to the order after deadlines specified in the order application, the customer shall pay the contractor all expenses incurred between the changes and corrections.


  1. The fulfilment of Order.
    1. The execution and completion of the order shall take place in accordance with the order fulfillment schedule or within the term specified in the Order Form.
    2. The customer should approve the electronic layout in the XMF Remote system. If the customer refuses to approve the electronic layout, it is assumed that the layout is correct.
    3. In the case of file corrections, a new full electronic layout shall be prepared for approval.
    4. The customer accepts the printing of the overprint (30 copies) for the needs of the contractor and the contractor guarantees the use of the overprint for non-commercial purposes – quality control, advertising of the company’s (LCD Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala) opportunities and product assortment.
    5. The Contractor, while maintaining full responsibility towards the Customer, shall be entitled to delegate fulfilment of the Order to third parties at his own discretion.
    6. The Customer shall be obliged to notify the Contractor in written, 30 (thirty) calendar days in advance, on any changes in technological parameters of fulfilment of the Order (such as paper size, grammage, number of copies printed, number of pages).


  1. Materials shall be prepared according the following requirements:
    1. Files shall be prepared in PDF form (versions: from 1.4 to 1.6), using the Press quality settings.
    2. Then converting the images and objects to CMYK colour system, ICC profile shall be used corresponding to the used type of paper (According Table No. 1).
    3. The image resolution (not less than): Cold-set 170 dpi, Heat set 300 dpi.
    4. PDF files may not contain RGB, SPOT objects.
    5. The submitted PDF file shall be in original size.
    6. The Pages shall be centred in PDF file.
    7. PDG file shall include all the used fonts.
    8. PDF file shall not include the colour ICC profile.
    9. In case of different colourful object coating it shall be observed that the object of the darker colour shall cover the edge of the lighter object for 0.1 – 0.4 mm (Trapping).
    10. In the products provided for post-treatment shall be used the crop marks and bleeds for not less than 3 mm. The texts and important objects shall not be closed than 4 mm to the cropping.
    11. The settings of the customer overprint for all the colours are maintains as well as there is performed the forced overprint Black setting for 100 % Black objects.
    12. If overprint or trapping has particular requirements, the Customer shall obligatory inform the Customer about it before the order submission.
    13. The file names within one issue shall be with similar structure in order to provide the automatic workflow:
      File name/ underline/ page number/ dot/ pdf
      For example: Izklaide#21_05.pdf
    14. If agreed with LLC Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala, it is possible to include several pages in one file.
    15. In case of discovered faults, the new file shall be submitted by the changed name.
      For example: Izklaide#21_05New.pdf
    16. Cover files shall be submitted in the combined way 4 with cover 1, 2 with cover 3 in separate pdf files.

Table No.1  File preparation rules

Parametr Cold-set Heat-set
CMYK ICC profile ISOnewspaper26v4.icc – newspaper (NP) and improved newspaper (INP) ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc – HWC, MWC, LWC, WFC papers
SC_ paper_eci.icc – SC, MF, LWU, MFC, INP papers
PSOuncoated_v3_FOGRA52.icc – WBU, SBU papers
Coloured reading matter on coloured background Not less than 10 dots Not less than 6 dots
Maximum print area 530 x 820 mm 614 x 965 mm
Total ink amount 240 % – newspaper (NP) and improved newspaper (INP) 270% – INP, MF, SC, LWU papers
300% – LW C, MWC, WFC, MFC papers
300% HWC paper for covers
Screening of large colour areas (> 30 cm2) 95% – newspaper (NP) and improved newspaper (INP) 98% – INP, MF, SC, LWU un WFU papers


  1. Production control and post-processing quality control.
    1. Cold-set technology printing and post-processing control is performed in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 12647-2 2013 standard. The contractor places the gray CMY and K control scales in the print area.
    2. Printing and post-processing control of Heat-set technology products are performed in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 12647-3 2013 standard. Quality control scales are included in the printing sheet.
    3. Other control mechanisms or evaluation criteria may be used by separate agreements (eg proof printing or printing according to the requirements of ISO 12647-2 2014).
    4. Order quality control in product printing is performed in accordance with the order control copies selected and marked during the order execution – the first (“OK print”), 1000th copy, 5000th copy, every 10000th copy, and the last copy, but not less than 5 copies from the circulation.
    5. The Contractor undertakes to make the Order according to quality requirements set out in the (ISO 12647-2, ISO 12647-3, ISO 12647-7) standards. Without changing the price of the Order, the permitted deviation from the agreed number of printed copies shall be ± 4%; however, not exceeding 400 units.
    6. Unless the Parties have agreed otherwise, the Customer may present a claim on non-compliance of the Order with the quality requirements set out in the (ISO 12647-2, ISO 12647-3, ISO 12647-7) standards within 10 (ten) calendar days following the date of receipt of the Order.
    7. Unless the Parties have agreed otherwise, if the Customer’s claim is recognized as justified, then the Contractor pays the compensation for poor quality pages in the amount of double the price of printing. The compensation is calculated as follows: Order amount (EUR)/Number of pages in the order (pages) *2* number of defective pages / order circulation (copies) * defective circulation (copies).


  1. Execution of the assembly orders.
    1. The execution and completion of the order shall take place in accordance with the order execution schedule.


  1. Conditions for submission of assembly materials.
    1. If an advertising insert, sticker, sticky note, or product sample must be placed on a specific page, the press edition must be taped, or any special non-standard assembly work must be performed, the customer must submit a technical sample of the work no later than 2 (two) working days before intended assembly day.
    2. The customer or the customer’s authorized person shall deliver the assembly materials to the contractor at the warehouse of LCD Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala in Riga, Mūkusalas street 15A, not later than 2 (two) business days before the scheduled assembly date, unless later delivery date is agreed.
    3. Assembly materials that are not printed by LCD Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala, must be delivered in packaged form with an indication of the title and amount in each package.
    4. Advertising materials larger than A4 format containing up to 8 pages, have to be put in packages with turns of 50 copies. If the volume is more than 8 pages, materials have to be put in turns of 25 copies. Each package shall not be packed on a pallet, only the entire pallet has to be packed.
    5. Advertising materials smaller than A4 format and containing up to 8 pages, have to be put in boxes in turns of 50 copies. If the volume is more than 8 pages, materials have to be put in turns of 25 copies.
    6. Advertising materials that are varnished or laminated shall be placed in turns of 25 copies, only the entire pallet shall be packed.
    7. Assembly materials shall be handed over and accepted with an invoice indicating the number of copies and packages of the materials to be assembled.
    8. If during the assembly the contractor finds defective copies or an insufficient amount of materials to be assembled, the contractor shall immediately inform the customer and the customer shall provide instructions by telephone on the further course of assembly. These instructions must be confirmed in written form by the customer within one working day. In such cases, the contractor may suspend the execution of the order until instructions are received.
    9. The customer shall receive back the overprint of assembly materials and returnable packaging at the warehouse of LCD Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala (Riga, Mūkusalas street 15A) within 2 (two) business days after the day of distribution of the press release.
    10. If the customer has not taken back the overprint of assembly materials and returnable packaging within the term referred to in clause 6.9., as well as has not indicated the need to store materials, the contractor shall have the right to eliminate the overprint and returnable packaging without compensating the customer.
    11. Using automated lines, the following overprints are required for assembly:
      • for newspapers – 0.9% of the print run but not less than 50 copies; for inserts – 0.8. % of the circulation, but not less than 50 copies;
      • for magazines (the basic product and inserts) – 0.4.% of the print run, but not less than 30 copies.
  1. Quality of execution of assembly orders.
    1. Product assembly shall be completed in accordance with the order application and the submitted technical layout;
    2. When placing advertising inserts on a specific page, the number of incorrectly inserted materials shall not exceed 0.1% of the print run;
    3. Advertising samples and stickers must be inserted in accordance with the technical layout submitted by the publisher;
    4. The amount of low-quality inserted advertising materials shall not exceed 0.5% of the print run;
    5. The amount of damaged / incomplete editions or advertisements during the assembly process shall not exceed 0.15% of the print run.


  1. Print run distribution.
    1. If separately agreed, the contractor may provide transport for the delivery of products distributed by the customer.
    2. The contractor shall distribute the print run and deliver the finished products according to the information specified in the order application.


The LCD Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions by notifying the customer in advance in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.